Obligatory guy-in-charge bio pic that is supposed to make the social media dude look cool, worldly, and responsible. Clearly this one isn’t working. (photo: Tracy Z)
Ah, the “About Be The Lime” page.
You know, where I am supposed to say really cool things about myself, about the company, about Be the Lime, and about the brand.
Here is the deal.
I help people stand out.
I say, “Be The Lime Because The World Has Enough Lemons.”
It is not hard to stand out. It is not hard to do things differently. Most people just can’t see the forest through the trees.
Finding that one thing. That one unique angle that raises the bar for everyone else and propels you to the top is the fun part.
After countless requests from my clients, friends, and the guy that sells me pizza, I decided to make these strategies public.
You may or may not know me…but I guarantee you have seen my work.
To make the challenge even more fun, I started an entirely new website, this one here, from scratch on January 16th*. I will also be doing the same with the social media accounts. So you can see just how it is done.
*Update: Got bored this weekend and re-designed the site again. 5/15/16.
Sure, I could leverage my other stuff, but why not practice what you preach?
Besides, I have a short attention span and it was time for a new challenge that didn’t involve speed, heights, or bruises. I mean I am getting older and short of an iPad paper cut (pretty sure there is no such thing) I am safer in the online world.
Whether you, your business, or your brand is getting lost in all the ‘noise’ out there, I will help you BE THE LIME.
– Fred Rewey