Lemon Case Studies

How United Became Untied Airlines

2017-04-13T11:45:51-04:00By |Categories: Lemon Case Studies, Lime Articles and Stuff|

By now we have all seen the footage of the United Airlines passenger dragged off the plane. With some “more important” stand-by passengers, he didn’t make the cut. Think of it as winning the lottery in Hunger Games... …Woohoo….wait…what?! Bottom line, he wasn’t getting off without a fight and United wasn’t going to move on [...]

McDonald’s “Objection” Ad

2016-12-26T13:50:56-05:00By |Categories: Lemon Case Studies|Tags: , , , |

Here is a perfect example of what I consider a Lemon of a move. Below is an advertisement that McDonald's ran nationally during prime time. I happened to catch it during a football game but saw it another 5-6 times after that. The goal was to answer questions dealing with the quality of their food. [...]

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