how to market online

Ka-Ching: Email Marketing For Businesses

2016-12-26T13:50:56-05:00By |Categories: Featured, Lime Articles and Stuff|Tags: , , , , |

Why does should every successful company (online or offline) talk about the potential of their email marketing? And why do so many companies make a BIG mistake thinking that email “lists” don’t apply to them? A “list” is basically a collection of information you have on your clients or customers. At the most basic level, [...]

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Does Video Marketing Really Work?

2016-12-26T13:50:56-05:00By |Categories: Lime Articles and Stuff|Tags: , , , , |

Admit it. The movie was better. I know, people always say, “the book was so much better” but was it? Come on. Really better? I get it. There are two schools of thought here. On one side when reading a book you get to “picture” all those people in your head. The surroundings, the characters, [...]

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Best Email Marketing For You and Your Business

2016-12-26T13:50:56-05:00By |Categories: Lime Articles and Stuff|Tags: , , , , |

Just about every business today needs to have some sort of “online” marketing campaign that utilizes emails or eletters to communicate with current or prospective customers. As your business grows and is more on target with respect to marketing, you are going to quickly outgrow the “manual” email send from your own computer and need [...]

Don’t Be A Lemon

2012-01-15T10:44:01-05:00By |Categories: Lime Articles and Stuff|Tags: , , , |

Let’s face it. Most people are carbon copies of last night’s reality show. They think following the latest trend makes them unique, but in reality, it makes them blend in. The more people try and stand out, the more they seem to get lost. I call them lemons. The are the 99% of everything and [...]

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